OTC members and their guests may rent a ring for personal dog training via online reservation. Ring rental may not be used to hold a class or teach private lessons for benefit or profit. OTC ring rental guidelines:
1. Non-members must be accompanied by an OTC member.
2. The duration of ring rental is ONE or TWO hours.
3. The member rate is: $10 per hour per person ($5 for junior handlers). The non-member rate is: $20 per hour per person ($10 for junior handlers). OTC instructors receive free ring rental.
4. The rate is doubled if renting both rings.
5. The ring rental fee must be paid if the reservation is cancelled within 24 hours of the reservation.
6. Payment must be made at the time of the reservation via PayPal.
7. Ring rental reservations may be made up to ONE month in advance.
8. At the time of the reservation, each person must sign in/sign out using the 3-ring binder on the counter in the OTC building.
9. Handlers must clean up after themselves, remove equipment from the ring, make sure the back door is locked, and lock the front door.
10. Ring rental reservations may not be made during OTC classes or when the OTC building has been rented to another organization/group.
Click here to reserve the big ring
Click here to reserve the small ring